How I Prevent Panic Attacks

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One thing that I, unfortunately, deal with are panic attacks. I can remember my very first one which caused a whole progression of events that led to about 6 months of depression. That panic attack was brought on by pre-workout and way too much stress.

I get panic attacks every so often but they are no where close to the first one I had or the other few that I had prior to therapy. Let me describe to you what it felt like. People often say that it is like having a heart attack. This is 100% true. My heart was racing, I was sweating, my thoughts were going all over the place, and I had the worst anxiety of my life. I honestly thought I was dying, but at the time, I was actually learning a valuable less, how to get help and get healthy. Of course I did was not thinking about that at the moment I was having the attack. In fact, I was having thoughts that were creating more anxiety such as “Will this continue throughout my life? Will I ever recover? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this?” All thoughts that really didn’t help.

I eventually learned that I needed help and that was one of the best things that I ever for my mental health. If you are like me, you do not want to have panic attacks. This is why I want to share a few ways that I reduce the attacks so I don’t have them nearly as bad.

  1. See a therapist

I want to start off with this because taking advice from a stranger online is not the best way to help with the anxiety you are feeling in life. See someone that is a professional and really dive deeper into why this is happening and what can be done to stop it.

2. Give your panic attack a name

Name your panic attack. Tell it that you don’t want it around and that it is not welcomed. This helps for me, though not as much as other methods that I will discuss.

3. Go outside and just breathe.

This is mindfulness and it will help. What I do is put my phone and electronics as far away from me and I go outside and just take a ton of slow, deep breathes. I will immediately feel a reduction in panic.

4. Do Not Try And Control It

By trying to control the panic attack, you can actually make it worse. I did not know this until my therapist as well as many other therapists from books and videos told me this as well. They say that your body will adjust to what is going on and make it seem less bad the next time you have a panic attack. By trying to control it, you can make the next panic attack stronger and you do not want that,

5. If you can, just go on a jog

A quick run or jog usually tires me out. The racing thoughts do go away when you are running so it helps for the moment. It will also tire yourself out so the panic attack may go away quickly. If you have trouble breathing though, do not do this. Some panic attacks will make you hyperventilate so this method of reduction is not advised

6. Go on YouTube and play lofi music. Then think of a place that you feel secure and comfortable.

Picture your “happy place” and stay there for a bit in your mind. Take a moment to really calm down in your happy place. Mine is in a boat, in the Keys. I go there often.

7. Tell yourself “This, too, shall pass”

It is a good mantra to tell yourself. This moment will pass and you will get through it. You will be a stronger person because of it and you will be ready when or if it happens again.

I use these methods when I have panic attacks. Honestly, they aren’t even panic attacks anymore, more like a bit of heightened anxiety that I have learned to cope with. I promise you that you can get through whatever you re going through, but you need a bit of time. Nothing is wrong with you, we all experience this, but sometimes people experience worse panic attacks than others. You can get through this and anything else that is thrown your way. I hope these methods reduce your panic attacks and I hope you get the help you deserve. Have an amazing day.

**If you or someone you know is suffering from mental health issues, I highly recommend that they seek help. or are great ways to reach out to a licensed therapist and get the help needed. Therapy has 100% helped me and I know it can help you.

17 thoughts on “How I Prevent Panic Attacks

  1. Nice sentiments

    For me, I endured severe childhood abuse and later in life all that exploded

    My fight or flight mechanism, adrenal stress response or what we call fear, anxiety exploded 15 times a day

    The drugs involved are cortisol and adrenaline

    I found that two things depleted these drugs

    Meditation and aerobic exercise

    Both actions active the parasympathetic nervous system, the brakes

    When the mind is frozen the legs and body can function and bring accomplishment to the mind

    Mindfulness can be fully developed by having a daily meditation practice

    Our focus has to be stronger than the panic

  2. It’s certainly so tough to deal with. Every individual must find what suits them the best. There is no right or wrong way.
    Good luck to you. I’m sure you’ll be able to handle things much better. 🙂

  3. I also have horrible panic attack as well as ocd. Thanks for sharing some very useful tips. One thing I always try and do while I’m having one is tell myself I will get through it. That I have been through it before and I always come out fine. 😁

    • I do that too. I tell myself that I have survived 100% of the panic attacks that I have had and I will survive this one. I hope that your method helps you a ton. Panic attacks are no fun but also having ocd, I can’t even imagine. Thank you for sharing!

  4. I think the most important thing is to get better & better at seeing it coming because it’s so much easier to deal with before it gets full-blown. btw, I love your take on life! Would you be so kind as to guest blog post for my site? If you’re so inclined, here’s a link to general guidelines:

  5. This is such a good post. I completely relate to how you describe panic attacks. It’s always so hard to describe it to people accurately, and you did a great job of it here. You are so brave for sharing!

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